Don't grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form. ~Rumi~

Friday, September 24, 2010

Yaya tutin

translation = Amira cooking.. even Abah did not understand what she

~ caught in the act! ~
Been thinking of getting her a kitchen set. Chanced upon this spree, its a food stall!  Can we get her one Abah?

~ Instilling entrepreneurship ~ 

Role Play and children:

Children are naturally drawn to role play—the magical art of imitation and make believe.
But role play is more than's a key component of learning. According to child development experts, role play helps children acquire all kinds of skills and knowledge, encouraging them to:

- Explore imagination

- Think in the abstract

- Acquire language skills

- Build social skills

- Problem solve

- Understand someone else's perspective

- Learn essential life skills from adults

- Discover leadership skills

- Safely explore the world beyond

- Acquire confidence and a sense of self

If that isn't amazing enough, consider this: because role play engages emotion, cognition, language, and sensory motor skills, scientists theorize it actually creates synaptic connections between parts of the brain. And the more synapses, the greater a child's intelligence!
There are different types of role play, and they help serve different purposes. Encourage them all...and nurture your child's natural gifts, insyaAllah!


Gaga & Illuminati?

Came across this from a fellow blogger and thought its interesting to share.



Semoga apa yang nak saya sampaikan hari ini dapat memberi sedikit manfaat kepada semua khususnya kepada peminat peminat cik Gaga ni. Insya-Allah.. Baru-baru ni terdetik nak menyiasat perkembangan baru cik Gaga yang saya sudah tahu tentang dia dan illuminati. Rupanya video untuk lagu Alejandro iaitu lagu baru dia dah release. Banyak kontroversi tentang video ni. Masa nak tengok tu macam ragu-ragu jugak .Yelah vid cik Gaga ni saya sudah sedia maklum banyak unsur-unsur lucah..Tapi oleh sebab nak mengkaji apa yang ada dalam vid dia kali ni jadi saya play jugak vid dia. Jadi seperti yang disangka. Banyak benda yang dapat dilihat dalam video yang membuktikan yang dia memang Illuminati puppet. Ramai lagi artis Hollywood pun sama tapi dia yang paling berpengaruh so far ..

Video yang mencapai lebih dari 20 juta viewer kali ni lebih berani dan mengandungi banyak simbolik. Saya akan cuba explain dari apa yang saya dah dapat di satu web. Rasanya ramai jugak yang dah tahu cik Gaga adalah salah satu artis dibawah naungan illuminati. Bagi mendapat keafahaman mengenai illuminati ini, anda bolehlah baca dari web ini mengenai konspirasi dajjal atau carian di google.

Dalam video terbaru dia .Ada sesuatu yang cuba disampaikan. Ada jalan cerita yang tersembunyi disebalik lagu yang dinyanyikan. Kalau hanya dengar lagu, mungkin tak banyak yang kita boleh tahu. Kita akan mula analisa dari permulaan video lagu Alejandro – Lady Gaga hingga habis. Ini adalah jalan cerita berdasarkan video. Jangan hanya baca buka mata tapi baca buka minda.

Video dimulakan dengan laki-laki membuat beberapa formasi dan beberapa dari mereka kepala mereka ditutup dengan sarung, mungkin mengisyaratkan bahawa itu adalah orang-orang tahanan dari beberapa macam. Salah satu laki-laki adalah dalam bentuk piramid sementara yang lain memegang hexagram sebagai tahanan berbaris.

"I know that we are young. And I know you may love me. But I just can't be with you like this anymore, Alejandro."

Selepas tu diteruskan dengan proses pemakaman. Perarakan membawa keranda yang kita dapat nampak Cik Gaga kat depan tu mengenakan jubah hitam dan membawa Sacred Heart (Hati Kudus). Sacred Heart ni adalah pendarahan hati Tuhan untuk umat manusia (dalam kepercayaan kristian). Kenapa kata Sacred Heart? Tengok gambar bawah.. Hati yang Lady Gaga pegang tu ada bukan hati biasa biasatapi ada paku dan dawai yang di lilit-lilit (simbolik) yang sama macam Sacred Heart of Jesus (merujuk kepada hati Jesus).. Google untuk baca lebih lagi ...

But I just can't be with you like this anymore, Alejandro. Siapa Alejandro? Seorang lelaki yang dia tak boleh bersama ke? Dan kemudian dia curang dengan Roberto dan Fernando? (berdasarkan lirik). Jawapannya tak ... Alejandro bukan seorang lelaki. Kalau dengar lagu tanpa tengok video mungkin takkan faham. Gambaran video ni mengatakan bahawa Alejandro mungkin membawa maksud sesuatu yang lebih dalam... Jadi kalau bukan manusia. Apa dan siapa Alejandro?

Kemudian Gaga ni dipaparkan dalam kedudukan berkuasa, memakai mahkota hitam sambil melihat tahanan melakukan persembahan untuknya. Gaga kemudian mengalihkan satu goggle. Sekaligus mempamerkan simbol illuminati - The All-Seeing Eye (bukan sekali tapi banyak kali) untuk mendedahkan sifat sejati dari kekuatannya.

Selepas itu ada sebuah adegan simbolik lagi, seorang tentera dipaparkan dipasang ke string, seperti boneka. Yang jelas menunjukkan yang ada seseorang 'control' dia. Atau senang kita guna istilah dia adalah 'mind-control slave'. Dia tidak boleh mengawal pergerakan sendiri.. Dan memegang senjata di kemaluannya. Wajah dia nampak kosong, nampak bingung betul-betul seperti seorang hamba yang di-kawal segala pergerakannya - oleh Gaga si illuminatist tak guna.

Dalam adegan selanjutnya, Gaga sedang berbaring, memakai red latex suit yang untuk biarawati tu (Kristian) dan memegang tasbih. Okay jadi boleh nampak kan ..Waktu scene ni gaga pandang ke langit dan menyanyi part : "Stop, please, just let me go, Alejandro" . Sebaik saja diasebut "Alejandro" Gaga mengangkat dua tangannya kelangit. Jadi dalam ni kita boleh nampak dengan jelas nampak yang Alejandro merujuk kepada tuhan bukan manusia.

"She hides true love En su bolsillo. She's got a halo 'round her finger, Around you."

Maksud lirik ni pulak. A halo' bermaksud ia dianggap "suci"(holy). Around her finger(cincin kawin) merupakan penyatuan Gaga dengan tuhan melalui agama, tapi dia sekarang malu dengan pernikahan ini kerana suaminya telah mati. Jadi dia menyembunyikan cincin itu di bolsillo nya, bolsillo dalam Sepanyol yang bermaksud poket dan mula menyalahkan tuhan..

Selepas sahaja lirik tu... Konsep penolakkan (rejection) ditujukan kepada Tuhan bermula.. Kerana Tuhan nampaknya tidak memenuhi keperluan rohani Gaga. Dia kemudian memutuskan untuk mencari ketuhanan diri. Dengan memeluk satu spirituality yang baru. Dalam video ni lebih menunjukkan yang Gaga telah bertukar dari biarawati menjadi paderi Luciferian(Syaitan). Kenapa kata jadi paderi Syaitan?

Saya kata paderi syaitan sebab tengok jelah jubah Gaga di atas.. Ada banyak sangat simbol salib terbalik. Ni menunjukkan bahasa simbol yang membawa maksud yang jelas. Kita tahu salib adalah simbol keimanan bagi agama Kristian kerana mewakili pengorbanan Jesus & kebangkitan. Dalam Kristian, salib terbalik dikenali sebagai "Cross Of St.Peter", untuk menghormati Simon Peter yang diminta untuk disalibkan terbalik kerana dia merasa tidak sesuai untuk dihukum mati dalam hal yang sama seperti Kristian lain. Tapi dalam kalangan bukan-Kristian, salib terbalik merupakan simbol penyelewengan dan sesuatu yang membawa kuasa negatif kerana simbol terbalik selalu ditemui dalam ilmu hitam dan Satanisme iaitu pemujaan syaitan..

" In symbolism, an inverted figure always signifies a perverted power (...) Black magic is not a fundamental art; it is the misuse of an art. Therefore it has no symbols of its own. It merely takes the emblematic figures of whitemagic, and by inverting and reversing them signifies that it is left-handed." - Manly P. Hall

Waktu ni lirik ni yang dinyanyikan menunjukkan gaga tidak mahu diganggu oleh tuhan.Dont bother me, Dont bother me,Alejandro (merujuk kepada tuhan) Don't call my name , Don't callmy name, Bye Fernando ..I'm not you're babe , I'm not you're babe, Alejandro (tuhan). Salib terbalik (simbol syaitan) ditempatkan pada kedua bahu gaga, menjadi simbol tiang. Dilapiskan dan digabungkan dengan simbol terbalik di alat kelaminnya. Diangkat oleh sekumpulan lelaki dalam satu bulatan. Mengangkat seperti mengagungkan Gaga,menyambut kedatangan Gaga ke dalam kumpulan mereka

Sebaik sahaja lepas tu menunjukkan Gaga memasukkan tasbih kedalam mulutnya . Tasbih adalah serangkaian manik-manik yang digunakan dalam tradisi Katolik untuk berdoa dan meditasi. Dalam Islam sendiri ada tasbih.. Jadi dengan menelan tasbih, Gaga menggabungkan dalam dirinya simbol ketaatan dalam agama dan juga bermaksud cara Gaga untuk mendapatkan Ketuhanan dengan cara sendiri. Dia ingin mencapai keilahian dengan satu cara sendiri. Itu adalah prinsip aktif Lucifer .Jelas menunjukkan yang Gaga bukan menyembah tuhan tetapi Lucifer(Iblis)..

I'm not your babe I'm not your babe, Fernando. Waktu menyebut perkataan Fernando, Gaga membuat simbol tangan macam tu(yang jelas merujuk kepada Jesus). Itu adalah tanda berkat bagi ajaran Kristian, Katolik kepada mereka yang dianggap Suci. Jangan lah ingat Gaga tu buat simbol tu suka-suka. Sebab semua simbol membawa makna yang tersendiri. Kita yang kena tafsir apa makna dia..

Dapat tengok kan kat belakang Gaga ada salib ..Gaga dah menghina kristian cukup banyak dalam video dia. Gaga menyanyi sambil memandang keatas dan kemudian dia mengulang-ulang lirik :

" Don't call my name, Don't call me Name Bye Fernando (Jesus) "

Dan di akhir video ...Ditunjukkan Gaga dilampirkan bersama strings ..Pada mulanya Gaga kawal lelaki tu dan akhir video ditunjukkan Gaga pula dikawal ..Oleh siapa ? Fikir-fikirkan lah siapa yang control cik Gaga ni .Siapa dalang disebalik semua ni ?Siapa ketua ?Anda mampu cari jawapan nya kan? Insya-Allah pasti ..

Sebagaimana disebutkan di atas, video Alejandro sangat kompleks dan simbolik, dan sesuai untuk multitafsir. Boleh jadi macam-macam.. bergantung pada pengetahuan si pemerhati dan sudut pandangan masing-masing. Namun demikian, rasanya bahagian-bahagian video Alejandro dalam ni jelas and tak perlu banyak teka teki macam video Telephone dan Bad Romance. Jadi apa yang gaga nak cuba sampaikan dari video nya? Dalam ni gaga menolak iman Kristian oleh mengotori simbol dan menunjukkan yang ada satu kuasa spiritual lain. Hmm lepas ni apa ? Menghina Al-Quran dan Islam? Nauzubillah jauh-jauhkan la ya Allah ...

Cik Gaga ni membawa bersamanya semuaagenda illuminati dan tak tahu la macam mana ramai yang boleh terpukau dengan dia. Namun saya yakin dah ada banyak peminat dia yang mula ragu-ragu dengan diri Gaga, tindakan nya dalam setiap video. tapi masih tidak boleh berhenti mendengarkannya. Ingin saya katakan kat sini, berhentilah mendengar lagu Gaga. Tidak mustahil nanti dia akan cuba menyelitkan lirik yang akan menyebut La-la-la Allah(Tiada Allah). Dan kita sebagai manusia sentiasa lalai. Tanpa iman mungkin kita akan menyanyikan lirik tersebut (dengan alasan iahanya lagu) dan pada saat itu ,apa akan jadi ?

Ya Allah , lindungi lah kami dari tipu daya syaitan dan sekutu nya..

Amin ya rabbalalamin.

Sesungguhnya pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati, semuanya itu akan diminta pertanggungan jawabnya"(Al-Isra' 17:36)

credit to

Benefits of Omega 3

Post on MILA:

Omega 3 Benefits are far reaching. Many studies have found Omega 3 Benefits for just about every health problem that arises from the SAD (Standard American Diet). One important aspect of your health we should stress here is that you have to use your own intelligence when it comes to your health. Remember no one is looking after you and your family’s health except for yourself.

1.Improves Heart Health
2.Reduce inflammatory – Helps with osteoarthritis

3.Improves Mood – Helps with Mood Disorder

4.Benefit for diseases like: Alzheimer’s and other cognitively impaired situations

5.Improves Memory and Brain Function in Babies.

6.Reduces Allergies

7.Lower Blood Pressure

8.Lower triglycerides

9.Reduces Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms

10.Provide lubrication to the skin, arteries, veins and intestinal tract

11.Improves Eye Health

12.Might prevent certain types of cancer

13.Reduces PMS Symptoms in Women

14.Improve muscle recovery from trauma

15.Supports healthy energy levels and concentration

*** Works well together with Yoga and Meditation (for us solat and zikir).***

16.Helps promote healthy pregnancies

17.May help maintain normal blood sugar levels

18.Psoriasis and Eczema
MILA is sugar-free, gluten-free, highest in Omega 3 than any other food!
It is not supplement or medicine, but it is categorized as FOOD!



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reality check for ALL Mr. Husbands

Not I say, but Dato’ Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah says:

1. Selalu menghargai usaha dan penat-lelah isteri, terutama isteri yang bekerja dan sama-sama terpaksa menanggung hutang suami.

2. Bila isteri bercakap, pandanglah mukanya dan buka telinga luas-luas. Biar apa yang dikatakannya masuk telinga kanan dan tersumbat di telinga kiri. Sambil tu otak suami kenalah memproses informasi yang diterima daripada isteri dengan bijak serta prihatin.

3. Jangan sekali-kali membandingkan masakan isteri atau cara isteri menghias rumah dengan mak anda kecuali masakan/cara menghias isteri anda lebih baik dan canggih dari emak anda..

4. Jangan demand sex sekiranya isteri tak ada mood atau letih. Agama suruh kahwin bukan semata-mata untuk penuhi nafsu syahwat saja.

5. Kalau pasangan dah ada anak, sama-samalah menjaga anak. Benih dari awak juga.. Ada suami, isteri sedang makan disuruh cebok kencing n berak anak sedangkan suami duduk tersandar kekenyangan macam maharaja.

6. Jangan sekali-kali duduk tersandar depan TV atau relax-relax sedangkan isteri bila balik dari kerja, buka saja kasut terus masuk dapur, memasak, mengemas, membasuh, kejar anak dsbnya. Berbulu mata dan sayu hati isteri bila kami tak cukup tangan nak menguruskan rumahtangga sedangkan suami lepas tangan.

7. Sekiranya suami makan dahulu, tinggalkan sedikit lauk utk isteri. Jangan bedal semua sampai turn isteri yang tinggal cuma ekor ikan sekerat, janggut sotong dan ekor taugeh.
8. Kalau nak ajak member bertandang ke rumah, beritau isteri dulu, kalau boleh sehari dua in advance. Jadi bolehlah dia memasak yang best-best dan mengemas rumah cantik-cantik. Bayangkan perasaan isteri kalau tetamu datang terpacak sedangkan kain-baju masih berlonggok belum sempat dilipat, permainan anak masih berselerak dan isteri cuma masak mi maggi saja.

9. Jangan sekali-kali menyakat isteri tentang saiz badannya yang semakin sihat atau semakin melidi. Tengok body sendiri dalam cermin dulu.

10. Jangan kentut depan isteri. Masa bercinta dulu kenapa boleh control kentut?

11. Hormatilah ibu-bapa dan kaum keluarga isteri walaupun anda cuma main wayang, bodek mereka masa nak mengurat isteri anda dulu. Jangan sekali mencaci mereka walaupun secara bergurau.

12. Jangan kedekut dengan isteri serta keperluan rumahtangga.

13. Jagalah maruah anda sebagai suami dan lelaki. Selagi boleh, jangan bebankan isteri dengan masaalah kewangan anda. Selalunya perempuan ni, semakin suami “degil” tak nak minta pertolongan, selagi itulah dia rela nak tolong.

14. Jangan bersepah dan bersikap pengotor. Dah buka baju, letakkan dalam bakul baju kotor, dah guna cungkil gigi, buanglah dalam bakul sampah, bila dah guna ubat gigi bubuh balik penutupnya, dah ambil sesuatu barang simpan balik ditempat asal, dah berak flush. Susah sangat ke nak buat macam tu? Semua nak kena ajar ke?

15. Rajin-rajinlah bertanya isteri kalau dia perlukan bantuan anda dengan kerja rumah/menjaga anak. Tapi jangan tanya dua tahun sekali. Jangan tunjuk rajin bila ada tetamu di rumah saja.

16. Hormatilah isteri anda sebagaimana anda mahu dihormati. Isteri pun manusia. Allah berikan banyak keistimewaan kepada para isteri tapi diputar-belitkan tafsirannya oleh orang lelaki untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.

17.. Jangan main kayu tiga dengan perempuan lain. Main lain lagi tak boleh. Kalau isteri awak yang buat, tentu awak tak boleh tolerate, jadi mengapa isteri awak kena tolerate kalau awak buat?

18. Kalau tak menyukai sikap atau perbuatan isteri, tegurlah secara baik, jangan asyik nak menengking aja. Kalau awak sakit nak mati nanti, siapa yang kena jaga awak? Bai jual roti? Apek jual sayur? Jiran sebelah rumah awak?

19. Kalau isteri nampak tak sihat, cepat-cepatlah bawa jumpa doktor. Tunjuklah anda mengambil berat tentang dirinya.

20. Berbincanglah dengan isteri sebelum sesuatu keputusan dibuat. Walaupun suami megah ada kuasa veto, tak jadi bapok kalau pendapat isteri diambil kira. Pokok pangkalnya ialah timbangrasa dan saling menghargai. Cubalah ketepikan ego yang keterlaluan. Bukannya laku bila dah mati nanti.

21. Dalami agama dan bimbinglah anak isteri dengan ikhlas seperti yang dituntut agama. Ingat, kalau seorang suami masuk syurga, besar kemungkinan isteri pun masuk syurga. Kalau suami masuk neraka belum tentu isteri juga masuk neraka. Kalau isteri masuk neraka, besar kemungkinan suami juga masuk NERAKA tapi kalau isteri masuk syurga belum tentu suami pun masuk syurga.Ini bukan rekaan saya tapi saya dengar dari seorang ustaz.

22. Berusahalah dengan ikhlas untuk mempertahankan keharmonian rumahtangga. Jangan buat apa yang isteri tak suka. Percayalah, kalau suami buat baik sekali dengan isteri, isteri balas sepuluh kali akan baik.

23. Jangan buat donno kalau isteri merajuk atau berkecil hati. Kalau perlu minta maaf, minta maaf, kalau perlu dipujuk, pujuk. Hati orang pompuan ni sensitif. Kalau kami rasa suami tak ambil kisah, perasaan bagai dihiris-hiris. Perkara yang dipandang remeh oleh suami boleh menjadi kanser kepada isteri. Kepada para suami khususnya dan kaum lelaki amnya, janganlah dianggap masalah hati dan perasaan orang perempuan ni enteng sahaja.

Shared by FB Sebutir Mutiara Seindah Wanita

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Open House at Mum's

Some pics taken during the open house:

~ Forever Posies ~

By Mum - Lontong, Briyani, Soto

This cutesy lil boy is my ex-colleague's son. Her hubby's Morroccan. Lil Ayman is just so super friendly and CUTE! 

No he's not sleeping. They were truly the entertainers of the day. lol!


MILA and me : Simply Love

I have been taking MILA for a month now. I deeply believe in this product that I've decided to waste no more time to join in as a distributor. My goal is to share this God-sent great healthy food with my family, friends and people around.

So far the results I've seen is tremendous!

I had just given birth on 28th August 2010. My family is not those types who is concerned with healthy cooking or eating. Furthermore I don't drink milk. My elder daughter, 2 yrs old, is following suit as she was BF since birth and wouldn't want other milk. So I am tandem nursing both sisters. Can you imagine the demands being out on my body and I am still in healing process? No healthy food, no milk, no other supplements.

I am thankful to have found MILA. It gave me the energy needed, I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight, my breastmilk is enough if not more for my daughters, I am comforted in knowing that I am receiving the nutritional values needed daily, especially the Omega-3 and so does my family.

It is really simple to consume MILA. I like to add it in my Milo. It has no strong taste or smell, just oat-like texture. You can add it in to any drinks or food, you may even put it in your cooking and the values will not be diminished by the heat.

You may email me or go here for more info:

Monday, September 13, 2010

World's Healthiest Whole Food! Subhanallah!

Sneak Peek!

Alhamdulillah, I was introduced to this great product. Been taking it for about a month now. Am now back to my pre-pregnancy weight, no fatigue, I feel better overall! Am also comforted in knowing that I received all the nutritions needed, especially Omega-3 and calcium.(I do not drink milk!)

Check out what it contains:

mila comparison gram per gram

Check out the health benefits:

Why Mila Image

Heart Health

Given today's typical dietary habits, finding additional sources of Omega–3's is more important than ever. To help offset that negative dietary trend, Mila contains the perfect ratio of 3:1 (3 Omega–3's to 1 Omega–6), all of which makes Mila essential for maintaining a healthy heart.
Why Mila Image

Anti Aging

Did you know that every ninety days your body regenerates nearly all of its seven–to–ten trillion cells? When healthy, stronger, smoother, more elastic cells are properly regenerated, the aging process is slowed.
  • Fights free radical damage
  • Aging happens when damaged cells are replicated. Mila's antioxidants act to neutralize the free radicals that cause premature aging.
  • Flushes out age–accelerating toxins
  • Regain youthful exuberance
  • Skin elasticity
  • Hair, skin and nail enhancement
  • Joint lubrication
  • Reduces muscle soreness and speeds rejuvenation
  • Lowers lactic acid buildup in muscles
Why Mila Image

Weight Loss

Mila is so nutrient-dense that the equivalent nutrients can only be acquired by consuming an amount of food that represents approximately 6 times the calories of Mila. For example, consuming 3½ oz. of Mila results in about 6 times fewer calories from the combined best sources of the same nutrient. In addition, Mila's exceptionally high level of Tryptophan (an amino acid that suppresses appetite) may relieve hunger pangs. Mila can easily be used in formulating meal replacements.
Why Mila Image

Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure

Mila has a vasodilatory effect by increasing the size of the arteries and thereby can play a role in lowering blood pressure.
Why Mila Image


Mila, with its high Omega–3 content, may enhance and balance hormones. Mila may help reduce hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause and help maintain a positive mental outlook.
Why Mila Image

Breast Health

Preliminary research at the University of California, Los Angeles suggests that Omega–3's may help maintain healthy breast tissue.

Why Mila Image

Prostate Health

Numerous studies show that diets high in Omega–3's and fiber may help maintain a healthy prostate. Mila with its high Omega–3 and fiber content, is an easy and simple way to include these necessary nutritional benefits into your daily diet.
Why Mila Image

Gastro–intestinal Health

Mila is also a hydrophilic colloid. This important property aids in the digestion of food and helps control excess acids associated with indigestion, heartburn, and sour stomach. Mila's unique soluble fiber content combined with its hydrophilic colloidal properties makes a gel in the stomach that creates a physical barrier thereby "lining" the stomach.
Why Mila Image

Bone Health

Per serving, Mila contains six times more calcium than milk. Mila is a rich source of other essential minerals like phosphorous, magnesium and iron, all of which aid in the absorption and utilization of calcium by the body.
Why Mila Image

Mental Health

The International Journal of Clinical Practice tells us that much research (including research from Harvard) has linked low levels of Omega–3's in the body with mood disorders. Omega–3's are believed to keep the brain's pattern of thoughts, reactions, and reflexes running cohesively and efficiently.
Why Mila Image

Blood Sugar

Salvia hispanica L.'s nutrient-dense qualities and Omega-3 content has been shown to assist in the management of proper blood sugar levels.
Why Mila Image

Prenatal Health

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that Omega–3's are very important to nourish the developing brain of the baby and to the mental health of the mother. Mila also contains essential amino acids, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals including folate (folic acid) all of which are extremely important in fetal development.

Chinese side of me

People will find it quite hard to believe that I have Chinese blood in me.  

But not my younger sis, she has I'm Chinese written all over her face..hehe
My mum's pure Chinese, she even has a convert card. She was actually given to a Malay family since baby. She had never met her Chinese mum till she was about 20 years of age. But it lasted only till 6 years, as my Chinese grandma passed away and my mum lost contact with her Chinese family ever since. 

I actually remember snippets of Grandma's funeral. I remember seeing her in the coffin and she was fed with a handful of something. Not really sure what it was. 

Now mum is already 50. And thanks to Facebook, she was reunited once again with her Chinese family. My grandpa had passed away too. So there's only the siblings of 7.  

We did an open house yesterday at mum's, and some of them came.

~ Lot of friendly, joyful and generous people ~
And did I say on my father's side, my grandpa was an immigrant all the way from Pakistan. The race in my IC also reads Pakistani. Another shocked faces I would get when people saw that. Hmmm..I wonder why I look so Malay?

Passport for the lil one

Next 17th we will be going off to Kuantan and Terengganu, insyaAllah. So had to apply passport for lil Umaira. Went down to ICA just now to get her picture taken. Check this out,


Then we decided to take kakak's picture as well.

It actually took us abt half an hour to wake lil Umaira up! Her eyes need to be opened for the picture.

Despite all the shaking and Amira's shouting, she was still soundly asleep! So like Mama (tido mati..heh)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Yummy Prawn Fritters!

I made this for my family's break fast past few days. We simply love it!

15pcs of prawn (shelled except for the tail)
2 tablespoon oyster sauce
1 egg

6 tablespoon self-raising flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 egg
black pepper
paprika (optional)

Oil to fry

1. Marinate prawn in oyster sauce and eggs for at least 20mins.
2. For batter, mix everything together, make sure its not too runny. Should be 'nestum-like' texture.
3. Coat prawn in batter leaving the tail out and fry in medium heat.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How much to deliver in Singapore...

More specifically @ Parkway East Hospital, 321 Joo Chiat Place, Singapore.

Just a guideline for those interested in delivering at the above hospital.

My bills summed up to:

Medisave claimable:

So total cash paid was: S$1247.42

Above is for the one-bedded package with assisted delivery by Dr. Abdul Aziz B. Md Ali Sujak and 1 lodger (abah stayed with me). Keep in mind that they will impose additional charges, example, if you are in the labour ward for more than 5 hrs, each additional hour will be charged.

For those with risky pregnancy, advisable to deliver in government's hospital. A friend was charged close to S$7k because baby was detained for a week.*faint*

Apart from the 'big' bill, I love Parkway East. The staffs there were incredibly helpful and friendly. The food were superb! :) Felt like staying at a hotel instead..hehe. Even better, 3x meals plus snacks, adjustable bed, one-push button

We opted for one-bedded room, but turned out that it was full on that day. So we got an even better deal! They let us have the 2-bedded room all to ourselves! Yippee! So we got 2 beds, 2 flat screens and a bigger space.

Check out the toiletries:

All to ourselves:

~pardon the mess~

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tandem nursing Umaira & Amira

Alhamdulillah...its been a week now and Allah has eased me in my breastfeeding journey, Bf-ing on demand and not scheduled.

In fact, I am currently doing tandem nursing for both doters. That is concurrently nursing both of them.

There are of course, 'well meaning advices' from around saying that Umaira might not be getting enough, so Amira has to stop or I have to supplement Umaira with formula. Well, thank you all for the concerns. But I know and truly believe that Allah's creations are wonderful. The breast can adapt to the demands being placed upon it. If you are nursing for 2, it will produce enough if not more to meet the demand, subhanallah.

Even when Rasulullah was an infant, he was being nursed by HalimatusSa'diah, who was also nursing her own baby, not to mention those having twins,triplets and so on. So I don't understand why nursing more than one seems foreign and weird to some of us nowadays.*maybe coz Amira is already a toddler?*

There are actually several reasons why I decided upon tandem nursing:
- I would not want Amira to feel left out upon arrival of a new sister.
- I would like to give Amira the freedom to decide when to wean off completely.
- I do not have the heart to stop Amira from BF-ing.
- I read that it promotes bonding between the two siblings.

My one-week experience on tandem nursing:

- Actually I find that Amira is actually more excited to be nursed than Umaira. I thought she wouldn't like the taste of the milk (she doesn't drink milk) but it turned out that she LOVE it.

- Of course I do feel uncomfortable at times when Amira wants to nurse at the same time as her sister. I mean just imagine I had to hold baby in one hand and a toddler in the other. Sometimes I let her be, and some other times I will ask her to wait till I put the baby to sleep first.

- If they nurse together, I usually will take a sitting position on the bed.

- It really helps when I feel BM is a lot. I would just ask Amira if she wants to be nursed and she would gladly obliged. -I am really lazy to pump,heh-

- It helps prevent engorgement, alhamdulillah.

I am thankful that I am given the opportunity to be able to give the best for my daughters insyaAllah. For those out there struggling in their BF-ing journey, persevere and believe that no matter how hard it is, no matter what others tell you (even doctors, always get a second opinion) and no matter how painful it is, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT IN GIVING THE BEST FOR YOUR PRECIOUS ONES AND FIND COMFORT IN IT. ALL THE BEST.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Two days before I went in for delivery, we shopped for Amira's and Umaira's Raya dress. I already knew where I wanted to get it from, but we still did a little look around. We went to Tampines One, but no dresses caught my eyes, though a lot of other things did.*refrain,refrained*

So we made our way to the shop at Tampines Mall that truly caught my heart the first time I saw it - not to mention pained my heart as the dresses are EXPENSIVE!

It was lovely! Everything there were! We managed to get the two matching dresses, though I think Umaira's going to be a little big.

~ "bloomB" , I  ~
 While I was 'fickling' over which to choose,

~ Cheeky ~
Definitely couldn't sit still!
Lil Mami Jarum....u better dun be!
 After paying for the dresses, I mistakenly took a look at the display window....and something truly caught my eyes! Juz gotta have it for Amira!
~ Loveliness ~
~ Cinderella? ~
~ Posy, posy ~
Damages: S$151.60...