From WP 3/8/2010
Guess what? Abah came back from work today bringing goodies from KFC!
Surprised? not really actually..coz I know he read my blogs...*hee*
But nonetheless I am still touched by his effort. I am not really a verbal person, I am so used to keeping my feelings to myself. But this is definitely a good channel for me to voice out, be heard and understood. I still remember his comments after he read on my "confession" as a SAHM. He was clueless and did not expect that I would feel that way. So now, he understands better, insyaAllah. *So for those of you who cant be heard, its time to BLOG! heh*
I am not saying that everything will be picture perfect after this, I understand that there will be always be times of ups and downs. Without spices everything will taste bland eventually, and as the saying goes 'after the big break-ups there will be the hot make-ups' *is it?* But I do hope that by understanding each other better - though its already been 3 yrs of marriage, there are still lots to learn about each other - we will be able to stick out through anything TOGETHER, me n you Abah, amin.
know he's trying hard to be the best husband and father to us. You are doing a great job Abah. I really do appreciate it. Tentiu Abah. I love you so. I really do.
* "tentiu" is Amira's way of saying thank you. Both her 'c' and 'k' will sound as 't'. - Hisy pelat, pelat-
Sorry For The Long Hiatus
2 years ago
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